The pen is mightier than the sword

So i have decided I want to do something in Politics, maybe be an assistant… anything to get me in. Although what party should I go for, and how exactly is it going to look on my resume?
Kathleen O’Connor
Interned for the Greens… does that then mean I’m siding with the Labor party?
HOW TO put on your resume that you have worked for the Greens but still have an objective view on stories? That should be ‘how to’ that comes up when typed into Google.

I have some contacts in my little book of all the people I know in the industry already that could help me out. Ingrid-ABC-

I have already covered some journalistic bases with radio and online. But a journalist could be anyone with the already established term, ‘citizen journalism’. I should be specialising in something, some sort of department to then share my knowledge through words. Politics I think would be my specialty. Not defined as yet to a specific department in politics but I think by doing an internship in Australian politics will help me to figure that out.

I have made many attempts to contact local members of parliament and apply for an internship. (how did I go about writing it and pushing that I have insurance because they don’t normally take interns). After researching their offices, some of them had contact emails although most of them had phone numbers for me to contact them on. I called around to ask for the best person to speak to in regards to an un-paid internship, and all of them gave me a contact email address.

As I emailed them, basically selling myself to people I haven’t even met, I either got no email back, an automatic response or ‘yes Kathleen we would like to thank-you for applying and we will let you know.’

It was so hard trying to sum up everything I have learnt over the past couple of years over a 1.5 page resume and a cover letter. I wanted them to at least meet with me, give me an interview even if they weren’t interested.

Nothing came of this, even when kindly writing in my emails that I will give them a courtesy call in a week just to see how things were going. I mean I know they are busy with elections and public relations work but I got absolutely nothing.

So i decided, yes they will have to meet me. I had decided that because my main strength is an outgoing personality that, that was what was going to get me an internship.

I’m going in.

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